Our Services

Unforgettable Encounters

Meet an enormous owl that will take your breath away….

What to Expect

Onsite – We promise a once-in-a-lifetime experience with our magnificent, and enormous Eurasian Eagle Owl, Garfunkel. You can elect to watch or assist in husbandry, feeding, and even training! Funky likes to fly between guests standing just feet apart, so bring your camera! He also enjoys shagging grounders and catching Frisbees, so you can check “play with an owl” off your lifetime bucket list!

Virtual Experiences – Join us for a virtual training session where we put Funky through his paces. He is trained using the scientific principals of Operant Conditioning, so you can see how it’s done by professional trainers, and ask questions that can be applied to training your dog, cat, or even your pet goldfish!

Request an Experience


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    Want to Learn More about Garfunkel (Funky the Owl)?

    Meet Funky